The 4th International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness in Edinburgh, Scotland during November 14-15, 2018 has the focus “Rejuvenate your soul with sports and fitness” where eminent Keynote speakers, session speaker, poster presenter and workshop presenter from various reputed institutions around the world and made their resplendent presentations addressed the gathering.
Following are the Keynote speakers with their titles:
Dr. James Stoxen, Director of Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment Center, USA with his presentation entitled “The integrated spring-mass model approach to treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”.
Dr. Juan Castellano, Director of Life Kinesis and Life Pilates, Spain is the first Keynote Speakers of the conference with his presentation entitled “Prescription of exercise for special populations”.
Dr. Lara Carlson, University of New England, USA with her presentation entitled “Full Throttle Athlete: The physiological demands of driving a race car”.
Dr. Kirill Micallef Stafrace, Member of Maltese Olympic Committee, Malta, with his presentation entitled “Caring for the health and fitness in the disciplined forces”
Dr. Ahmad Alkhatib, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait with his presentation entitled “Personalized lifestyle approaches: From sports to medical diagnostics”.
Workshop presented during the conference:
Dr. Juan Castellano, Director of Life Kinesis and Life Pilates, Spain is presented a workshop under the title “3R system-Rebalance- Reeducation – Retraining”
Dr. Juan Castellano, Director of Life Kinesis and Life Pilates, Spain is presented a workshop under the title “L.A.F method, a new approach in physiotherapy in the management of MD and injuries of the Loco-motor system”
Following are the session’s speakers with their titles:
Dr. Beatriz Minghelli, Piaget Institute, Portugal, with her Presentation title “Injuries and time-motion analysis in surfers: Development of preventive strategies”
Dr. Fahad Nasser Al-Khalaf, Al Razi Orthopedic Hospital, Kuwait with his Presentation title “Ramp lesion – menisco-capsular tears”
Dr. Hana Válková, Masarykova University, Czech Republic with her Presentation title “Healthy community-education and health promotion in athletes of Special Olympics”
Mr. Warren Collins, Penningtons Manches LLP, UK with his presentation entitled “Legal claims for the sports person injuries”
Mr. Michiel Frederik Vande Kerckhove, St. Trudo Hospital, Belgium with his presentation entitled “Lumbar disc herniation in the athlete: Considerations for management and surgical treatment”
Mrs. Punchividanelage Nilu Jayashika Fernando, Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency, Sri Lanka with her presentation entitled “Dietary supplement usage of athletes in a South Asian regional country; Sri Lanka”
Mr. Tossaphon Jaysrichai, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand with his presentation entitled “A new machine for evaluating the precision and response time of punches”
Dr. Kaydar Al-Chalabi, Al Moosa Clinics & Day Surgery Center, UAE with his presentation entitled “The Role of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in musculoskeletal problems & sports medicine”
Dr. Valerio Pace, University of Perugia, Italy with his presentation entitled “Superior labrum anterior posterior lesions (SLAPs) in athletes: An overview”
Dr. André Marques, Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute, Portugal with his presentation entitled “How to improve sports performance and prevent injuries through individual constitution”.
Dr. Hana Válková, Masarykova University, Czech Republic with her presentation entitled “Life style habits and fitness of Czech elderly Special Olympic Athletes”.
Mrs. Shehani Anne Dilrushi Pigera, Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency, Sri Lanka with her presentation entitled “Knowledge, perception and practice of elite athletes towards dietary supplements in a South Asian Country Sri Lanka”.
Dr. Thomas Jan Gaetan Mathieu, University of Antwerp, Belgium with his presentation entitled “Iselin’s disease: Case report and literature review”.
Dr. Beatriz Minghelli, Piaget Institute, Portugal with her presentation entitled “Musculoskeletal injuries in foot volley athletes: Associated risk factors”.
Following poster has been presented during the conference:
Dr. Valerio Pace, University of Perugia, Italy with his poster entitled “Disorders of the biceps tendon in athletes: an overview”
Dr. Tereza Krakovská, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic with her poster entitled “Age-related differences in youth male soccer players during maximal and sub-maximal jumps”
Dr. Petr Linduška, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic with his poster entitled “Effect of different pull-up execution on muscle activity of the upper extremity, shoulder and trunk”
Miss. Carrie McCrea-Routray, The Edinburgh Clinic, Scotland with her poster entitled “The benefits of yoga in high performance athletes and staff”
Dr Stoxen’s Keynote Presentation Abstract:
The Integrated Spring-Mass Model Approach to Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome By Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM
The use of hand held devices (HHD) such as mobile phones, game controls, tablets, portable media players and personal digital assistants have increased dramatically in past decade. This drastic change has led to new batch of difficult to treat, musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Extremities such as myofascial pain syndrome of neck and upper back and thoracic outlet syndrome.
The thoracic outlet anatomy and how the bundle passes through the passageway is complex for even musculoskeletal experts. So for doctors trained in other specialties there can be an inadequate understanding about nature and cause of thoracic outlet syndrome.
A syndrome rather than a disease, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders And Stroke, plus top 10 ranked hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery agree persistent compression of nerves, arteries and veins traveling through the thoracic outlet is what leads to thoracic outlet syndrome.
I will discuss the three models of human movement, the inverted pendulum model, the spring-mass model and the integrated spring-mass model (ISMM). The (ISMM), which integrates the spring suspension systems of the foot and shoulder region as well as the torsion spring of the spine and the mass, the head. I will discuss my clinical findings show compressive disorders like TOS and herniated discs are merely an over control of tension on the human spring mechanism leading to these syndromes.
I will give brief review of the symptoms and their patterns, the common orthopedic tests, and diagnostic tests, the 16 different common conservative therapies and the 10 reasons for when surgery is medically necessary. I will discuss an alternative treatment for this disorder based on the integrated spring mass model.