Neck and Back Conditions

These are the lectures at medical conferences, articles and video tutorials Dr Stoxen has done to help you learn about his approach to examining, treating and preventing foot and ankle conditions.

Neck Conditions

Neck Pain

Dr Stoxen’s Articles on Neck Pain

#1 Secret to Preventing Neck Pain – Understanding the Righting Reflex

Computer Work Is Linked to Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, Shoulder Pain and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, Shoulder Pain? Could it be Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

My tips on the best pillow to avoid muscle strain in the neck, upper back and shoulder.

Why you should NEVER watch television in bed!

Do you have Cell Phone Text Neck Pain Syndrome or Smartphone Shoulder Pain Syndrome?


Back Conditions

Dr Stoxen’s Presentation on Herniated Discs and Degenerative Arthritis at Medical Conferences

Plenary Presentation – The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Compression Syndromes, TOS, Herniated Discs & Degenerative Joint Disease, Seventh World Congress of Anti-aging Medicine, Mexico City, Mexico, 2016

If you are from out of the Chicago area and would like a FREE 30 minute strategy meeting with Dr. Stoxen, you can book it here.

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